Five Natural Lupus Treatments

Five Natural Lupus Treatments

You may have heard of lupus, as more than 16,000 new cases of lupus are reported each year in the U.S. alone. This is especially serious for women, particularly those who are young to middle-aged women of childbearing age because about 90 percent of lupus patients are women. ... 


Staying Hydrated


Staying Hydrated

Fruits and vegetables offer the very best sources of water, along with a wide range of health benefits. The high-fibre water-rich foods, work well for weight management since the combination of water and fibre helps you feel fuller faster. These foods are all low in calories, which also goes well for weight management. Fruits and vegetables not only help you stay hydrated but also promote good digestive health, which naturally translates into good overall health.  ... 


Cucumber Mint Infused Water

There are some amazing health benefits of cucumber water. It is helpful as it relates to hydration as it has a nice flavour to satisfy the taste buds.

Cucumbers are also low in carbohydrates and high in antioxidants. And they contain essential nutrients and vitamins such as Vitamin C and A, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. It is good for bone health, cancer prevention and more. ... 


Plan Ahead To Make Healthy Meals

Plan Ahead to Make Healthy Meals

Getting healthy meals for you and your family each week is a constant challenge. Weeknights can be hectic especially when you work later than you planned, stop at the supermarket or get stuck in traffic. That is where meal planning really helps you get healthy meals on the table and your family eat nutritious breakfasts lunches and dinners! ... 


Juicing for Optimal Health




Choosing to hop on the Plant-based Diet shows that you’re taking the right steps to prioritize your overall health and wellness. Juicing is an essential element of following the lifestyle, as its method of vegetable juice extraction offers one of the best ways to receive the vitamins, minerals and enzymes your body needs to thrive. ... 


Gut Healing Soothing Juice

Eating and drinking a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables feeds good gut bacteria and helps them and us to thrive. This delicious juice does just that and also helps to heal and soothe your gut. It also contains ingredients with other great digestive benefits.

This gut healing juice is what you need for optimal health. You can use coconut water instead of water to make this juice a little sweeter.


I hope you love this juice as much as I do! If you love this recipe, please share.


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